Description :

The HBRa3 is a fully-automatic assault rifle featured in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Call of Duty: Mobile.

It is a standard assault rifle with medium damage and high vertical recoil. Although the vertical recoil is high, it is easily controllable. The HBRa3 has a variable rate of fire, starting at 857 RPM for the first four shots, and then 625 RPM afterwards. This rewards using it in a burst fashion or in close quarters if surprised by an enemy. The HBRa3's manageable recoil and decent range make it an excellent weapon to use at medium ranges.

The iron sights can be seen as quite obtrusive, and using an optic is recommended for using the gun at longer ranges for a clearer view on target. Shorter range optics, such as the Red Dot Sight will help the weapon in mid-range combat. The longer range ACOG Scope can also benefit the gun for longer range firefights. The Hybrid Sight can be utilized for a good medium between these two ranges.

The weapon has average hip-fire spread; this makes the Laser Sight optional, but greatly useful if the weapon is often used in close quarters. Hip fire can work with this weapon because of the higher intro fire rate and the three hit kill, but it's best to aim down sights.

Utilizing the Quickdraw Grip and Stock can aid the weapon's handling speeds, in both close quarters and ranged combat. The Quickdraw Grip, coupled with the weapon's high handling skill allow the player to aim down their sights quickly, allowing for quick targeting that gives the edge in many gunfights, as the player will be able to line up a shot faster. This can also be the case in close quarters if the player wishes to aim the gun as opposed to firing from the hip. The Stock allows for similar goals by letting the player move faster, making them harder to hit at range, and be less of an easy target in close quarters if aiming.

Reload times are manageable and the rate of fire is low enough that Dual Mags and Extended Mags are not a necessity, but are useful should the player use the weapon for extended periods of fire or have to reload in the middle of combat.

Utilizing the Foregrip can lower the moderate recoil to a much lower amount, making the weapon far better at range due to more manageable recoil, allowing more shots to reliably hit their target.

The HBRa3 is a highly recommended weapon for its versatility. The long range, high damage and good accuracy makes it a solid weapon that players can easily adapt to, with the HBRa3 being good for almost any situation a match may throw at the player.

The HBRa3 has some good variants to use. The Insanity has a massive rate of fire increase from originally 625 RPM (857 for the first four rounds) to 750 RPM (1000 for the first four rounds), making the weapon more on par with other weapons in its class. Another advantage to this weapon is its long range damage is increased from 24 to 25, making it require one less shot to kill at long range. The Insanity, however, has a 10% wider hip-fire spread, and cannot accept optical attachments. The iron sights, as stated before, are somewhat obstructive on the target, and makes the Insanity somewhat difficult to use for less skilled players.

The Raider variant increases the fire rate to 697 RPM (1000 for the first four rounds), as well as decreasing the ADS time to 225 milliseconds. However, the Raider has 10% more recoil, and magazine capacity is reduced to 26 rounds. The Raider is an effective counterpart to the Insanity as they both have 1000 RPM for the intro fire rate, although the stable fire rate is lower, at 697 RPM. As well, the Raider has the ability to mount optical attachments, which may serve great purpose to players who have difficulties to use the HBRa3's iron sights. However, the Raider is less accurate considering the higher recoil, making the use of the Foregrip advised. As well, the Raider has lower mag capacity, although this is a minor downside and Extended Mags is generally not a necessary attachment.

The Bear Fist variant offers an integrated Red Dot Sight, and tightens the hip-fire cone by 20%. However, the recoil per shot is increased by 10% (akin to the Raider variant), and the four hit kill range is reduced from 43 to 36 meters. The Bear Fist is an effective variant to use at close-to-medium range as it has a higher hip-fire accuracy, and as well as an integrated sight that replaces the HBRa3's obstructive iron sights. However, the lower range and extra recoil make it harder to use at range. As well, it is a good variant to use if one was planning to use a sight on the HBRa3 as it saves the player a slot in their class, however it could also be a downside as the Red Dot Sight takes up an attachment slot that could very well be used for something else.

The Average Joe increases the minimum damage from 24 to 25, making it require one less shot to kill at long range. As well, it increases the three headshot kill range from 43 meters to 50 meters. The Average Joe is also the HBRa3's marksman variant, meaning the player is guaranteed to obtain it over time. However, the hip-fire cone is 20% wider, making the weapon harder to use in close quarters as the player can miss some of their shots while hip-firing. It is, however, effective at long range due to the increased damage.